
Epiphanies of love and body

Posted by on Aug 28, 2016 in anxiety, Blog, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Spiritual, supervision, trauma, Uncategorized | 0 comments

  Oh, what a contentious relationship many of us have with our bodies, especially women in our culture– So much pressure within social standards of beauty, a constant barrage of images of perfection. Reality TV shows and mainstream media imparting the message, maybe not so subtle, that we are found lacking. If we purchase enough, have enough plastic surgery etc. then we can be worthy of love and a happy life. Of course, this is all garbage. Recent research confirms, as many ancient collectivist cultures around the world have known for, perhaps, thousands of years, that happiness...

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Your own special gifts and the green eyed monster

Posted by on Jun 22, 2016 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision, trauma, Uncategorized | 0 comments

In the wise words of Bob Dylan – ” each of us has his own special gifts and you know this was meant to be true, so if you don’t underestimate me, I won’t underestimate you.” A particular kind of  suffering I see with clients, students and friends, is the confusion and pressure they experience about whether they need to be someone that they aren’t or whether or not they should try to change there core qualities such as sensitivity. Rejecting our core is truly painful. We are who we are – sensitive, feisty, introverted, extroverted, slow to process,...

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The secret: balance and receiving

Posted by on May 16, 2016 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision, trauma, Uncategorized | 0 comments

In a world that has been heavily influenced by patriarchy for the past several thousand years, women carry an extra burden they are rarely aware of. Because the world so desperately needs but often does not support the nurturing, fecund spirit of the feminine, individual women carry the worlds need for more generosity, care and giving. Because there is so much giving out, women must balance the giving with receiving to renew and to thrive. The honey bee takes pollen from the rose but helps  the roses’ children survive through the gift of pollination…a balanced giving and...

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plant your seeds

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, trauma, Uncategorized | 0 comments

What seeds do you want to plant for your life? Today I found the squirrels had dug up and eaten the pea seeds I planted. Looking under the straw and soil, I found a few remaining. I will plant more and sprinkle a little hot sauce on them to discourage my furry friends. We never know how many of the seeds we plant will take root and eventfully break through into full flourishing. Some wont make it but some will. We make an act of faith for within the seeds is an intention. Your intention is the life force of all of the seeds you plant. Your intention is nourished by your values, dreams and...

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Re-member the souls identity

Posted by on Feb 9, 2016 in anxiety, Blog, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Portfolio, Spiritual, trauma, Uncategorized | 0 comments

I went to a grief and loss group today with a good friend who lost her husband about a year and a half ago. In the group there were people who have lost children, friends, lovers and a man who was losing his health. as we talked about the experience of the dark night of the soul of the soul, images came to me such as watching the sun on the horizon at dusk transform from the deep enveloping darkness to a little line of glowing light. on the horizon. And also I imagined being deep within the dark earth of a cave and then seeing the light from above coming in through jagged edges to...

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Posted by on Jan 19, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Let us allow all of our feelings. Come home to ourselves. Welcome in all feelings and the weather. We are a part of nature even when we forget this profound and elemental truth. All of nature is patterned on in and out and around. Sometimes are thoughts block emotions. Negative self talk to try to will away feelings is painful and not helpful. Kindness is needed in the world and can be seeded in self kindness and allowance of the flow of life. We all are here to experience  all seasons, the tide and breath  moving in and out, the changes of seasons, with the challenge and gift of remaining...

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