
The divine mystery we share

Posted by on Aug 19, 2017 in anxiety, Blog, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision | 0 comments

Who and what do we need to do more justice too, too bow before, to apologize to? When people or trees or creatures are thought of only in the context of desire or  needs, when we treat them as objects to serve us, we do a kind of violence to them.  Do we live in am alive world or a world of objects for our use? If you are coming from an place of ego it difficult to see the beauty of others, oneself or the world. However, if you approach the world and all its living beings from the standpoint of soul and interconnectedness then we can connect meaningfully and sweetly. There is a mystical...

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Posted by on Jul 18, 2017 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, Relationship, Spiritual | 0 comments

It can be sad to think of our mortality and yet it is a worthy teacher. Endings and death are a challenging and sometimes confounding part of life. But we are here to live through it all and learn from it all. Knowing we have limited time can help us make more thoughtful choices.  Knowing we have limited time can encourage us to hold our moments, our world, our life experiences as precious. Knowing we have limited time can help us refine our notion of success. If you imagine the end of your life what will you be most proud of? What will fill your heart with fulfillment? Studies into these...

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wild web of relationships

Posted by on Jul 4, 2017 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision, trauma | 0 comments

Relationships are the foundation of our lives and far more rich and complex than we might know. With the aim of wholeness healing and full aliveness, the more we nurture and attune to relationships the better. The old western thought that we are fundamentally individuals on our own and ruled by our own volition alone is naive and untrue. Within our bodies are intricate relationships sustaining us. On the inside, our gut bacteria work to keep us well. On the outside the food we eat either nourishes or harms these bugs that help us. Recently, a link to depression and poor diet, ie poor gut...

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Posted by on Jun 29, 2017 in anxiety, Blog, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, trauma | 0 comments

Be yourself. If you are not sure of your qualities, strengths and weaknesses, ask your best friends. How would they describe you? One kind of suffering we can let go of is the pain of trying to twist our selves into images, roles or expectations that are not in keeping with who we truly are.  Although we have to adapt to situations and others in social roles, we are larger than our roles. People who are true to their values and their gifts are stronger and more centered than people who are focused on outside evaluations of them. Be yourself, be authentic

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Simple truth

Posted by on May 24, 2017 in anxiety, Blog, Creativity/artists, Featured, Highly Sensitive, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision, trauma | 0 comments

Live by simple truths. Be who you are…if you need clarification, ask those who know and love you to describe you. Live pursuing meaning rather cheap thrills. Joy accompanies meaning. Be with good people… we all rug off on one another. Live close to nature– in how you eat and time you spend. Natural light, beauty and awe renew and replenish body, mind and soul. Nurture relationships–with people as well as animals, a place, and, if you are intentionally on a spiritual journey, with dreams and the unseen. You will be answered when you reach out but it takes time. Know...

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Meaning leads to fullfillment

Posted by on Apr 25, 2017 in anxiety, Creativity/artists, Featured, Grief, Highly Sensitive, introversion, Relationship, Spiritual, supervision, trauma | 0 comments

One of my favorite documentaries from PBS is Happy. I recommend it. This is not as simple as it may sound. There are themes that emerge. Money doesn’t do it, although minimal food and shelter allow people to be less distracted by trying to survive. Status, education and good looks dont do it either. Rather, values, soulfullness and connection, intrinsic rewards are the seeds of happiness.No one is happy all the time. We live within cycles of loss and gain and fallow times.  But the foundation of a fulfilling life is meaning. The happiest people in the world cross-culturally are those...

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