The Witness

Posted by on Jan 12, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Throughout the texts of ancient wisdom literature,  is the concept of the witness. If you cultivate it, it is a very important skill. You can learn to step back from your own emotions and reactions and cultivate the witness within you. This skill is the heart of meditation. When we take a few moments to be still and relaxed and take our thoughts less seriously we can come back into the experience of the present moment. The present moment offers riches.

It can be more challenging to witness ourselves if we don’t have a sense of who we are. The expectations from family and culture can weigh on us and make it confusing. To experience ourselves without a lot of abstract constructs and labels can be a challenge. To uncover an authentic self is really a dual process because we are always a part of the whole. We are connected to the complexity of family, friends, culture and nature.

And within that whole we are a unique spark. Our gifts are unique. Learning to witness knee-jerk reactions, fearful habitual thoughts and other painful patterns can give us some space from them and leave room for joy to enter. Remember when you were a toddler you were in love much of the time. In the moment, in love with life and world.
